
About This Blog
Trying to find Sarah? Come to this blog to figure out where I'm going to be. And yeah, people actually do ask...

About Me
Columbus, OH
Ohio State University
Political Science
High School:
Home Educated
Reading, standing in line for things, writing, research

Message Services
(please see the notes below the Comment Policy before sending me a message)

It may be difficult at times, if not impossible, to understand what I mean when I say things. Especially if you look through the archives. At some point soon I'll post a revised list of acronyms and terms from my time at Disneyland. In the meanwhile, the only difficulty you're likely to have is that I sometimes express time in 24-hour form (0100 or 2500 = 1:00AM, 1200 = 12 noon, 2930 = 9:30PM). If the (first two digits of the) number is (are) greater than 12, subtract 12 from it and add "PM" after it to get the right time. If the number is STILL greater than 12, subtract 12 again, and change the "PM" to "AM." If the number is under 12, just add "AM."

I may not end out being at a place or available online at the times I think I will be. This blog is primarily meant for my family and friends, who are spread across three continents, half a dozen states and provinces, and at least seven different time zones. Which reminds me to tell you that all times are set to Columbus, Ohio time (EST or EDT), except for those dated before 30 July 2004 (those are PST or PDT). So if you're in California and you're looking for me and it says I'll be online at, say, 2300/11pm, that means 8pm for you.

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Monday, March 29, 2004
All new posts to this, the SarahFinder, will be dispatched to the YahooGroup, EleventhInLine. It joins its sister blogs (Eleventh In Line and SamizBlog) in this distinction, and also claims other Sarah-written pieces yet to be published as fellow travelers in this effort. Erm, that is to say... oh for heaven's sake, if you don't want to have to wonder whether I've put my schedule up yet, just join the group.

. Reading blogs at work? Click to escape to a suitable site!

Friday, March 26, 2004
At least, for today. Yes, that's right, the new schedule is out, and I've got it sitting in my lap. Here you go, eager readers:

4 April (Sunday) -- 0500-1330/Frontierland RN
5 April (Monday) -- 0930-1800/Frontierland RN
6 April (Tuesday) -- 1300-2100/Frontierland RN
7 April (Wednesday) -- 1000-1700/GagFactory HW (!!!! EAST SIDE !!!!)
9 April (Friday) -- 0930-1800/Frontierland RN (for a change of pace, you see)
10 April (Saturday) -- 0500-1330/New Orleans RN (spoke too soon)

Okay, so clearly, the early shift thing is becoming a disturbing trend. I really really am not a morning person. I'm also not a huge fan of short turnarounds; the 2nd will likely become an 8-hour shift (same with the 7th, incidentally), which will give me several 8-11 hour turnarounds in the course of two weeks (the 2nd/3rd will be an 8.5; 6th/7th is 11; 9th/10th is 11). Anything shorter than 12 hours is worthless (it takes about two hours to get home, change, and get to sleep, and 1.5 hours to get to the Resort and change clothes again -- that gives me 8 hours to sleep and a half hour to take a shower; anything less than 12 hours means I get less than 8 hours of sleep); anything shorter than about 15 hours is just, well, not fun. Anyway, I don't think I'll be trying to get out of ALL of these early shifts, because there's too many of them, but I'll be grumpy by the end of Spring Break at this rate.

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Thursday, March 25, 2004
Okay, so it took a little longer than expected. At least it's up now...

28 March (Sunday) -- 1630-0100/New Orleans RN
1 April (Thursday) -- 0700-1200/Critter Country RN (*)
2 April (Friday) -- 1200-1700/New Orleans RN
3 April (Saturday) -- 0500-1330/Frontierland RN (*)

* These shifts are so early, I'm trying to trade up to something later in the day; stay tuned.

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Sunday, March 21, 2004
There are more than a few people in this world who actually missed my updating this thing. Can you imagine? It boggles the mind. Anyway, now that one of them isn't my roommate anymore and thusly can't just look on the wall to see where I'm at any given time, and given that there are actually other people out there who never had that ability to begin with and would like access to that sort of information, I thought I'd, you know, go back to actually doing this thing. What a thought. Today is a big day. Or something.

Anyway, here you go. Next week, for your pleasure and information and stuff.

21 March (Sunday) -- 1730-0200/Adventureland RN
25 March (Thursday) -- 1200-1730/Frontierland RN
26 March (Friday) -- 1200-1700/Critter Country RN
27 March (Saturday) -- 1730-0200/Adventureland RN

I've got my notes on the week after that in the car. I'll update later on. Just as an FYI, if you're trying to get ahold of me for any reason, any of those short shifts (less than 8 hours) will probably be extended to 8 (or more). So, on days when I start at 12pm that would mean finishing at 8:30pm, as an example. Just something to contemplate during Spring Break...

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Because only so many people can be eleventh in line.